Thursday, June 25, 2009

Im Off!

Hey Everybody, Just letting you know that i will be off on a small family vaction. Making new adventures!! So i will probably not write anything until after July 14!! Don't forget about me!!!! lol Take care and have a wonderful week! =)



Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Vroom... Vrooooom!

**Reminder: you can click any picture and see it in BIG! Just don't take them please =-)**

We got to go to see a motocross race qualifier thingy! haha I don't really know exactly what to call it but it was fun. It was a really huge race track, and there were motorcycles and little race cars racing and practicing for the race in a couple of weeks. We got these cool "backstage-VIP helper-passes" from someone that knows someone or something haha. Point is, we got to go to where not many people go and it was COOL!

Here is dirk with our "Helper" passes

It was kind of funny because when i woke up that morning i was like "i want to dress cute today! I have not been able to bc of the stupid weather!" And we get there and tt was sooo windy, therefore freezing COLD! I ended up wearing my jacket and someone's windbreaker on top... so much for cute! lol. So we got there and the motos were really loud but awesome!

They are about to take off!! (If i were the lady in orange I'd run!)

There they are turning, their knees almost touch the ground!

Looks like they are about to fall over haha.

Then we got to go "behind the scenes" and it's funny because all the riders (i guess that is what they are called?) are there with their whole families supporting them! They go in those huge camper homes and they live there while the races are going on. They have like a little home set up and a table to eat and some even TVs and stuff and then to the side they have their "moto garage" where they tune up or fix their bikes it was cool to see. We even got an autograph of one of them. I don't even know who that was tho haha.

Here is someone fixing up their bike...

I loved this! I'm guessing they are supporting a family member. It is so cute! haha

While we were there backstage, the other race was about the start. this one is crazy... it is with little like go-carts kind of, but they have a person driving and another person in the back shifting the weight for the turns. But these people are not strapped on! And they are going like 160 mph!

Here is one giving me the "thumbs up!"

And here is another from the back... isn't that crazy?!?!

And there they are on the track going really fast. See how the dude on the back is like half off the cart?!

So after a while we went to go sit down on some stadium stands and there were a ton of flags at the top, representing the counrties that were racing. I decided to take a picture of the good old German flag, because i don't have many pictures of it. For some reason Germans don't like to display their flag like Americans and Mexicans... hm.... Anyway, I took like 15 pictures trying to get the best one bc of the crazy wind and finally i got this beauty...

...only to find out like 2 seconds later that that is indeed the belguim flag NOT the German one! LOL. (Smart one Mari ;)) So there I go find the actual German one and here is the best shot i could get:

So the pic didn't come out as great as the other but at least it's the right one! haha

Before we left we got a picture of Dirk and I with the pretty scenery. The weather may not be great, but the scenery in the summer that is gorgous!

Marisol and Dirk, and if you look closley, we caugh a bike in between us!

We were done for the day and while we waited for Dirk's cousin and Mom2 to pick us up, I found the cutest little flowers =). We had not seen Dirk's cousin yet and I was really excited because she had a baby in March and so we got to meet baby Celine!! Here is a pic:

You think I'm ready for one??? I don't think so... I look really little =/ HAHA But she was sooo cute! =)

And my precious little flowers =)



**Reminder: you can click any picture and see it in BIG! Just don't take them please =-)**

Friday, June 19, 2009

Out in the country...

Hi Everyone! As you know I LOVE to write my stories through my pictures, my pictures are very sacred to me. (I'm not joking) So I would like to make my blog private, if you would like to continue to read my blog please just send me an email to and I will add you to those who can see my blog. Thanks and I hope you understand!! =)

So, the other day the weather was AMAZING!! IT was the best weather we have had since we got here, a couple of weeks ago. We went out to the country to my mother-in-law’s bf’s house. (I really need a shorter version of “mother-in-law” how bout “mom2”?? OK? Good) So his house is in the country, and the country here is so beautiful! He lives in a duplex that is SUPER cute! It’s like made for TINY people!! Good thing my in-laws and I are all small haha. Dirk’s friends would definitely NOT fit through the door without bending haha.

Here is the duplex, it looks small in the outside but there are like 5 or 6 people living here and it's actually very spacious.


Since the weather was so nice we set up a table outside and Miki (mom2’s bf) made some authentic Hungarian goulash! (He is from Hungary) He made it outside in the fire! It was really fun to watch. I took pictures of the stages of his cooking

Starting with sauteing the onions!

We went for a walk around to see what we would find. Mom2 found some edible mushrooms that she picked. That was fun to see, I still can’t get over the fact that there is food out in public for anyone to grab and eat! (Next blog…) It wasn’t this time, but mom2 found a HUGE edible mushroom in the forest the other day.

Here is a normal size mushroom we found that day.

Here is a GIANT mushroom! lol and they ate it!

I’d be scared to pick mushrooms bc I would probably accidentally eat a poisonous one! lol. Mom2 showed me a “good one” and a “bad one” and to be honest, they looked IDENTICAL to me… haha. So, we went to the pond and I saw a lot of really bright gold fish, but they wouldn’t stay still to get a picture of them…. =(. So, I found my next subject: LUCY!

There I am at the pond, and I found Lucy!

Lucy being followed by me - the paparazzi =)

Here is Lucy again, she was our bartender for the day ;)

Apparently she’s like a “community cat” or something… I had a lot of fun taking pictures of Lucy. =) I like taking pictures of everything… except for people lol. So I took an awesome picture of this bumble bee on a flower!

Check it out, it looks like a cartoon bee to me!! hehe

Dirk had burnt his head and face, but not his arms while in Prague, so we got him a cap and rolled up his sleeves! Haha.

Dirk looking like a cute thug with white arms haha jk.

We were all getting pretty hungry already but that’s when Dirk’s aunt and uncle got there with ICE CREAM!! Haha. While they got the bowls and stuff I went to go check on the status of the goulash:

Aunt and uncle with ice cream!

Miki Adding some spices.

After the ice cream we walked around a bit more we saw horses and other wildlife haha. Then I took the coolest picture EVER, on the reflection of a garden ornament:

O0oh Alice in wonderland! I love it! haha

I enjoyed the much needed SUN and then checked on the goulash again and was about the be done!! Yay!

Bubbling goulash.

I also found my new place of work:

Here is my new office and that's my new desk... haha

That was our day in the country… it was a very nice day. =) I try to make these blogs shorter but I just don’t know how. Next one may be just pictures with captions. We’ll see.

Ohh here is one more photo:

Awesome tiny flower. It's amazing how something so little has so much detail. I love it!

Take care everyone! And please send me an email =) thanks!!



Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I took off my...

Sweater, AND jacket!!!! It was great! Last weekend we went to Prague the weather was amazing!! I saw the sun and there was no rain. To be fair to Chemnitz, the next day in Chemnitz was REALLY nice too (that's for a later blog). It was a lot of fun =).

It was actually really funny because Dirk's dad took us. So he came to pick us up at 8:30 am. Everyone was asleep so the whole time getting ready we were really quiet. Then, starting at like 8:25 Dirk was staring out the window to see if his dad was coming so that way he wouldn't ring the door bell and wake everyone. Being the good German that he is, his dad got here at exactly 8:30 am. I don't know how they do this...

So Dirk tells me "let's go! So he wont ring the doorbell!" and so i grab my stuff and run! As i am closing the door to the apartment Dirk runs to the door of the building.

Dirk tells me before I close the door, "we don't have keys, and wont have any for a long time do you have everything?"

I think... ok camera, check!, gum, check!, stupid jacket, check! OK I'm ready, and i close the door and run out! We say hi to his dad and get ready to cross the street to get to the car then i look down! MY SHOES!!!! "Dirk I forgot my shoes!" LOL!! His dad is like?? I ran out with my house shoes on! So there we go and wake everyone up cause we had to ring the doorbell! oops... lol

So other than that it the day went pretty smooth. Dirk's dad drove, while Dirk gave directions when needed and i sat in the back taking picture of the very pretty scenery!

**warning - this blog post will be LONG!**

Some castle or something on the way =)

Almost there...

We got there and parked the car in "new Prague" and walked to "old Prague" it was really cool! At first you could tell you were in the Czech republic because there were shops like this one:

We're here!!

But it just looked like a normal town, then we climbed over this like mountain thingy and WOW....

First view of Prague from the top of the mountain thingy.

Take two...

You would have never thought that this was so close to the village that is on the other side of this mountain! We have to walk through the Prague Castle (which is the largest castle in the world!) and St. Vitus Cathedral and climb down to get into the city. We didn't go in to the castle this time but there are grape vineyards all over the place! They were so pretty!

Here are the vineyards next to the castle.

And here are the baby grapes up close. So cute!! =)

So we went into the city, ate some awesome gelato =P (YUM!), and while we looked for The Charles Bridge, we also looked for a place to eat. We tried asking for directions but that was really funny! They didn't speak German AT ALL and some people spoke some English but then we found this good sign that helped us... haha

???? I'm guessing the only way we found the Charles Bridge is cause Dirk's dad knew that in Czech "most" means bridge. haha.

Each time we saw a restaurant we would stop by and check the menu and prices posted outside. We saw a couple of nice places but none of us were really hungry yet. One restaurant was really COOL, to enter you had to go down some very narrow stairs. It was so narrow that on both ends they had a little traffic light! So if you wanted to go down you would push the button and when the little green man turns on, you can go!

Going up cause the little man is green!

Then we ran into some interesting menu options such as this:

Anybody up for some "Zebra Steaky??" LOL!!

We decided to just get stop by on our way back to Germany to get some more "authentic" Czech food. Then we spotted the Charles River!! I was excited about this because to be honest, i did not know much about Prague before i went other than it had the Charles Bridge! haha.

Hmm... now how do I get from here.... to THERE?

We made it to the bridge. And i was a bit disappointed =( There were SO many people!! You could hardly walk on there! There were a couple of people selling arts and stuff and that was nice, but half of it was under construction and the other half was PACKED! There was a people jam! lol It took us a really long time to get across! But i hope next time we go we can get to see it at other times of the day when there aren't as many tourists haha.

So that's what it's called in Czech...

We had to get a picture of us on the bridge, but it was reallly hard to do that because so many people passing by getting in your picture! lol So finally his dad got a good one of us while about 100 tourists watched as they waited for the picture to be taken! lol.

The man with the blue man-purse is NOT waiting!

So after that we just walked around the city for a while longer and climbed up the mountain again to the new Prague where we left our car.

Bye, bye old Prague!

So on our way back i fell asleep and woke up because we stopped at a restaurant Dirk saw and picked! hahaha We wanted our "authentic" czech food, so we stopped in some random tiny town. We walked in the the restaurant and everyone turned around and looked at us... It was scary! haha It was really foggy in there because everyone was smoking and the waitress came to our table and started speaking Czech to us. They spoke German back and she yelled something to someone. Probably "hey we got some foreigners who wants to deal with them!?" lol. Then this younger guy came and spoke pseudo German and told us we were all eating goulash. So we said... ok? And then later he came and pointed at me and said "for girl potato soup." I was like ok... haha. They brought the soup but the goulash for me too tho so i dunno what that was about? It was all really creepy they ALL knew each other... and were probably wondering why we were there. They were nice over all but i was still freaked out haha. That is why i do not have a picture of this... Sorry haha.

Allright sorry this was wayyy long =). It was to make up for all those days I didn't get to write haha. Take care my people! And thanks for those who've posted comments!! =)



Friday, June 12, 2009

A bit bitter...

I am beginning to understand why people in this town seem so bitter! The weather is freaking insane! This morning it was sunny, then it rained, then the sun came out and then it hailed like crazy and the sun came out 3 minutes later! What the hell!? You can't really make plans because you never know what kind of weather you will get. (and by 'you' i mean ME!)

Crazy rain and hail....

Sunshine 2 minutes later... ???

Today has been a frustrating day! I need a vacation from my vacation! Good thing we are going to Prague tomorrow. =) I hope its nice weather... Since we got here we have been dealing with a million different offices. The whole marriage thing, and health insurance and other things Dirk had to take care of. We are still in the process of getting things in order, but man the paper work is insane! So turns out i cant get health insurance from Dirk because i am considered "just a tourist" at the moment. When/if we move here (not Chemnitz) then we would have to get more paperwork and visa and crap THEN i can get insurance and all that good stuff. I guess that makes sense.. Ugh the lady at one office really ticked me off! She was talking to Dirk and then said in German "Well if she wants to live here she needs to learn German." And i just laughed out loud because I understood what she said, AND that was the reason why we were there! To ask where i can take classes!

Whew... ok enough complaining I just had to VENT! So I don't have a "cool story" today because we have not done too much in the past two days. We have been sick and so we have been sleeping and drinking tea. Today we are all much better (health wise) haha.

::"Uh no.. i see those damn black clouds coming again...."::

So, since I don't have a cool fun story i thought i would tell you about some random/cool things. I like that here you get money back for you empty plastic and glass bottles, (like in my lovely Mexico!) Anyways it is called "pfand" so if it says that on the label you know you can take it back and get money. So i have been buying a little 6-pack of Apfelschorle (apple juice mixed with mineral water) for me. And i get really excited when i finish one because that means i get to go back to the store and use the cool machine!! (I know philip... you are prob thinking I'm dumb for this! haha) but anyways i think its super cool! They don't have THAT in Mexico haha.

::And the rain is BACK... ugh::

Here is my Apfelschorle, one is ready for the machine! =)

First, you throw your bottle in the hole. Here is Dirk throwing one in.

it scans it and tells you what it is and how much it is worth on the little screen on the side. It crunches it and away it goes! Then you push the button that say "bon" and a little receipt prints out that is worth money!

I think its super cool and it should be done everywhere! That way 1, you don't feel AS guiltily using plastic bottles because they recycle them and 2, you get money for them! So next time you buy the same thing it only cost you a fraction of the cost!

I could keep writing forever but i think i will save that for another blog. That way i don't lose my readers! haha Maybe I'll write another later today since it seems like I wont be going anywhere =(.



Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Today we got to go strawberry picking!! It was lots and lots of fun! It is so sad that i had never ever seen a strawberry on an actual plant on dirt! It was GREAT! I can't wait to have my own garden and pick fruits and veggies for the day. ::Sigh:: So we go and what they do is the weigh your empty basket and then after u fill it they subtract the weight of ure basket and charge u a really cheap per kilo for the strawberries u picked! AND you can eat as many as u want while picking! =)

I probably ate more than we took home! haha jk. (just kidding) Today was actually really nice and sunny. The highest temperature i saw was 20 deg.! So it was pretty nice. I look kinda dumb in most of the pictures tho bc it was early and my hair is all tangled haha. But i don't care because it was FUN!

The other day when we went to see the ski jumpers Dirk's mom pointed out some blueberries in the middle of the forest that was cool too! I didn't eat any of those tho... wild blueberries??? hmmm.

There I am on a mission!

I'm already eating and my basket only has ONE strawberry! haha!

Dirk found a good one!

There were some really ripe... others not so much. =) but they were still pretty!

I found strawberry jam! hahaha

Dirk found a jackpot under the leaves!

And i dug into it! lol

One row in the pretty field.

Our final product! It looks like a lot less that there really are!

And tomorrow is another day! I'm out! byebye.
